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These Noodle Substitutes Will Allow You to Cut Back on the Carbs in Your Daily Intake

Image for These Noodle Substitutes Will Allow You to Cut Back on the Carbs in Your Daily Intake

There is no doubt that carbs can derail your fitness goals, but everyone loves them, nonetheless. While no one should completely deprive themselves of all carbohydrates, you might want to cut back in certain ways. The best way to lower your carb intake is by using substitutes for some of your favorite carb-heavy foods, like pasta. Instead of noodles, try veggie-based “noodle” substitutes, instead. Made with chopped veggies, this option is incredibly hearty and delicious. Ready to get started? Check out the tips below.

Spiralized Vegetables

Zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, and turnips are great choices for first-timers. These veggies can be spiralized and then cooked similar to angel hair pasta.  Not only are they low in carbs but they are a great source of vitamins and minerals.

Cook until barely tender, 1 to 2 minutes, then drain, then you are ready for your favorite sauce.

Spaghetti Squash

 Spaghetti squash is another great vegetable noodle option. Once cooked, its flesh is easily separated into strands that look and act almost like spaghetti pasta.  It only contains about 20% of the carbohydrates or regular pasta but is much richer in Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B vitamins.  

Spaghetti squash is easily prepared.  Simply cut the squash in half and microwave on high for 6-8 minutes until tender.  Once tender, use a fork to separate the flesh into spaghetti-like strands and top with your favorite sauce. 


Eggplant is a great noodle substitute option for lasagna.  It is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals and has 3.5 times fewer carbs.

Slice them lengthwise, so each slice resembles a thin plank. Pan sear until softened if enjoying immediately. If placed into a casserole or baking dish, like lasagna, salt the slices to eliminate any excess moisture, let dry, and layer them in as usual.

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