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Successfully Decorate Your Apartment for the Fourth of July with This Simple DIY Project

Image for Successfully Decorate Your Apartment for the Fourth of July with This Simple DIY Project

It’s always exciting to spice up your daily routine with something new! That’s why Wildwood Ridge Apartments in Atlanta, Georgia encourages you to try out our weekly recipes, crafts, and lifestyle tips.

Whether your plan for the Fourth of July is to fire up the barbecue pit, lounge by the sparkling swimming pool, or cap off the evening with fireworks displays, you are probably ready to party like it’s 1776, and we don’t blame you after a challenging year, like 2020. If you plan to host your family or friend group’s Independence Day celebrations, it’s important to do so in style. This DIY project for round red, white, and blue medallions should get you started on the right foot and brighten your home with plenty of American colors, stars, and stripes for the big day! Check out the materials needed, as well as the instructions, below:

• 18-inch-wide bunting, found on apolloflags.com or flagsexpress.com
• Scissors
• An Iron
• Sewing machine
• Fusible webbing, 1/2 inch by 20 yards
• Monofilament
• Strong double-sided tape, optional

1. Measure two 39-inch-long pieces of bunting, then cut the identical pieces of bunting. Begin cutting after a star and end right before one, so you'll have about 3 inches of blue on each end. Trim off hems for easier pleating.
2. Next, conjoin the two pieces together side by side and make sure stars line up. Overlap by 1/2 inch, and adhere using fusible webbing, then the iron to fuse. If you prefer, stitch the 1/2-inch overlap together. The final width should be about 32 inches. Trim off the red and white stripes on both sides, which will result in a five-stripe pattern of blue, white, red, white, and blue.
3. Fold fabric accordion-style in 1 1/2-inch section. Then, iron after each fold. Continue up the length of the fabric. Make sure your first and last folds are in the same direction.
4. Stitch along the middle of the folded rectangle to create a pivot point.
5. Connect sides of the rectangle by fanning out fabric from center stitch and adhering with fusible webbing and iron it. Connect remaining sides with fusible webbing, or tape for easy disassembly and storage. Stitch monofilament through the fused edge in the back.
6. Hang it, and enjoy your patriotic decoration on the Fourth of July!

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