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Does Your Child Need Some Extra Help with Homework? Here Are a Few Active Steps to Take

Image for Does Your Child Need Some Extra Help with Homework? Here Are a Few Active Steps to Take

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Here’s our advice for today: don’t let homework develop into a daily struggle between children and parents or caregivers. Even though many households experience this issue, homework time should never be filled with nagging or complaining. You want to get the task accomplished, after all – and so does your kiddo! Here is how to make homework routines easier on your child and sanity.

Parents and caregivers should make homework time a priority and keep it consistent each day. It is a good idea for parents and children to decide on a time together, to make this work for everyone in the family. All homework should be completed during this time. If your child finishes homework before the time is up, the rest of the period can be allotted for quiet reading time. By doing this, both you and your child know what is expected and can place the appropriate emphasis on completing all the homework, without the distractions of other activities or television.

If your child finds the homework assignments too difficult, you should help them out. But it is not a good idea to do most of the assignments. One or two examples should suffice, along with any additional explanations needed. This will not only help, but it will also allow your child to learn to complete the work independently.

Finally, don't forget to review your child's work. If you simply allow your child to complete each assignment without looking it over, there may be mistakes or concepts that your child hasn't grasped. If you review the work daily, you will be able to see if your child needs more help in any specific areas. Don't correct any mistakes yourself but use this as an opportunity to review concepts and emphasize good study habits.

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